Empty streets in Dublin city — courtesy of Jordan Harrison on UnSplash

With so many events set aside, what did we, as a nation, do?

Beware the Ides of March? — Well, it was the 12th for Ireland

Reviving the country and our lives

L Ryan McEvoy
7 min readJul 29, 2020


The Ides of March is the 15th March, considered unlucky especially for Julius Cesar, but the 12th of March is a date etched in the brain of many Irish, it was lock-down day and affected so many, even St. Patrick!

Schools, cultural establishments, large gatherings all cancelled, even our normal week of festivities for our patron saint and national holiday (17th March) made null and void for 2020.

Nearly two weeks later as the situation worsened with practically all business closed, a worrying time for all. Listowel Writers’ week went online, and shock-horror! even our delightful The Rose of Tralee was cancelled for the first time in its 61 years history! My beloved rugby and GAA sports were left with their competitions and leagues incomplete. The pubs were closed — yes, an Irish person is telling you this news, our pubs were closed, need I say more?

With so many events set aside, what did we, as a nation, do?

Our elderly and those with health conditions were asked to “cocoon”, and contact with people outside our homes discouraged or kept to a minimum. With…



L Ryan McEvoy

Office Manager by day, Independent Author by every other second available to me!